20 freespins in Book of Immortals

20 freespins in Book of Immortals

Gods’secrets revealed!

A curious discovery has been made in an ancient pyramid lost in the desert. A group of scientists have found a mysterious book with hieroglyphs that have been deciphered as “The Greatest Secret of All Gods”. Inside there was a secret of immortality (it’s all about eating enough olives and not teasing crocodiles!), interior plans of Cheops’ pyramid and most importantly, technical schemes of Mega Anubitron, the enormous hi-tech robot which was worshipped by ancient Egyptians and regarded as the chief deity. Learn more about his super abilities and power-ranger peculiarities by activating a present in your promo:

20 freespins in Book of Immortals

20 freespins in Book of Immortals Updated: November 2, 2019 Author: Damon