Month: June 2019


Las Vegas: the lights, the glitz, the glamour, the crime… In the city that never sleeps, there are always people looking to make a fast buck. Grinding it out at the poker table or getting lucky playing blackjack are options,


It’s the big gamble. On May 7, we all head to the polling booths to bet on what we hope will be a winning team for the UK. It’s a national punt and the consequences could (literally) cost us


The King is dead… Long live the King. Once upon a time Las Vegas ruled the roulette, beat everyone at blackjack, and scared the craps out of anyone who would claim its crown as King of the casinos.

And then


‘Ladies and gentlemen… this is your captain speaking… We are currently cruising at 35,000ft and the blackjack tables are open. Minimum bet $1. Speak to your on board croupier for more information…’

Cruise ship casinos and gambling on the seven


It’s May. Summer is coming. Spring has sprung. We’re heading online to bring you the cream of the casino crop, the games you need to grab, the pick of the 52 card pack.

From the hottest slots to the freshest


They played. They died. They rocked, rolled, and wrote songs. This week, with the festival season starting, we turn the volume up to eleven and ask you to show your appreciation for some classic tales of ‘when rock Gods met


Are you looking to up your game and improve your chances of winning real money? Hoping to find a foolproof method to bag lots of extra cash? Then you might be a bit disappointed as there’s no magical fairy dust


This is a man’s world, according to funk icon James Brown, and – when it comes to the testosterone-saturated arena of the casino floor – the Godfather is generally on the money.

However, there are some notable exceptions to the


Think you know everything there is to know about Roulette, Blackjack, Slots and Craps? Think again! We’ve got a host of casino facts that are sure to earn you some bragging rights. Take a look and play smarter, wiser and


From blackjack to béarnaise sauce. Table jumping has never been more appetizing. This week, we’re chowing down at the casino to find the world’s most delicious dining and gambling destinations.

From the Michelin-starred delights of Macau and Las Vegas, to


Online casinos and poker rooms are always looking for ways to appeal to new players and casino-shy punters. Glastonbury Festival once hosted a live casino and poker website PKR has sponsored some major music events.

This week, we are pairing


Forget Harry Potter, we’re talking real wizards here – or maybe even angels? – of the gambling kind. Have you ever wondered whether there’s anyone out there who can really beat the bricks and mortar casinos? And beat them every


Are your Spidey senses starting to tingle? Web-slinging troubled teen Peter Parker is a popular guy. His crime-fighting alter ego Spiderman is more than 50 years old and remains as popular today as when he spun his first web.



Are you sitting comfortably? This week, we’re looking in the rear view mirror and postulating the posterior. We spend a lot of time sitting down when we are playing online. Isn’t it time you stopped giving your butt a bum


It’s all about the beautiful game. Last season AFC Bournemouth won football’s Championship and secured a place in the Premier League. Under the management of Eddie Howe, the club has soared and is now in training for its first ever


The truth is: when it comes to casinos and style, reality is somewhat removed from the fantasy of black-tie, full tux, evening wear, and James Bond looking dangerous as he bets it all at the blackjack table.

Although there are


Tennis has long been a favorite for both video game and online slot developers. The first ever video games were loosely based on tennis and Playtech’s Tennis Stars is one of the most popular online slots at this time of


Controversial Australian rapper Iggy Azalea recently enjoyed a 12-hour blackjack bender at a Las Vegas casino and confesses to being a ‘blackjack fanatic’. Azalea was in Sin City to perform with Britney Spears at the Billboard Music Awards and couldn’t


Fancy a game of blackjack with Blackbeard? Maybe a hand of poker with the pirates of the Caribbean? Perhaps you would just like to sail away as you play the slots. It’s all about cruise ships and casinos this week,