Casino bonuses in the Switzerland cities

Casino bonuses in the Switzerland cities

Switzerland’s gambling laws were recently given a major overhaul. To put it at its simplest, the new law restricts online gambling to a few authorised online casinos in Switzerland. This latest change has created some panic, with the overwhelming reaction among our Swiss gambling buddies being: “What on earth are we meant to do now?” And that’s just the PG-version, folks.

Of course, it is a very understandable first reaction. I mean, do we really need to have our lives made more complicated than they already are? Just give us a break, already.

The reality for online casinos in Switzerland, however, is not as complicated as the country’s 2020 gambling law may make it seem. On paper, it would appear as though players wanting to use online casinos in Switzerland are very restricted. But, in practice, nothing much has changed and we can all still enjoy our favourite online casinos in Switzerland if we know our way around the system.

Which, luckily, I do. And I’m also willing to share mu best tips with you – you’re welcome! So, get your best yodel on and join me on the slots, because guess what I discovered. When it comes to online casinos in Switzerland, there is no shortage to choose from and Lady Luck knows no neutrality!

Casino bonuses in the Switzerland cities Updated: December 24, 2019 Author: Damon