Day: June 18, 2019
Over the centuries, legends have told of many great powers, but few can compare to the mythical properties of the Dragon Shard. This artefact is said to give total dominion over the elements to whoever is fortunate enough to wield
…Join Spin Palace on archaeological adventures this month with the unveiling of the new Tomb Raider online slot game. Lara Croft®: Temples and Tombs™ is the latest of now three Tomb Raider online slot masterpieces. Powered by software giant Microgaming
…Some people play slot machines for a bit of fun and want little else from the experience. For the average player, they can be diverting and certainly entertaining for a few spins, at least. Indeed, you never know when you
…Today’s worldwide music industry is no longer dominated by the CD and record sales of yesteryear. And music genres such as rock, pop and classical music no longer enjoy the unrivalled popularity which was once taken for granted. As a
…All sorts of players enjoy blackjack. It is one of the simplest card games to learn how to play, after all. Whether you play blackjack online at a casino or in person with a croupier, the game is, basically, the
…As the sun sets behind the dunes, climb atop your camel and embark on a journey to riches across the Sahara. This remote, desolate land is anything but barren. Feel the face-slapping winds— the energy in the sand ripples. Listen
…If you have always wanted to partake in an investigation led by the greatest detective of all time, you will be thrilled to know that Microgaming is releasing on the 10th of July 2019 a brand new mobile slot game
…Whether you crave a rest from the hustle or need to get your hustle buzzing, Le Kaffee Bar is the place to be. Pour a giant mug of your favorite coffee and stay a while. This coffee-themed casino is sure
…Hear ye, hear ye! By royal proclamation of the Ruby – Casino Queen herself, all are invited to attend the grand opening of the most stylish online casino to date. The best part of this invitation: there’s no need to
…Get ready for the next generation of the old favourite slot game, Break Away, by Microgaming. Now Stormcraft Studios has created Break Away Deluxe, a souped-up version of the action-packed original. Due for live release on July 17, 2019, you
…Bonus hunting is the term that gamblers have come up with for seeking out the best deals around. Nearly all online casinos want to attract as many new customers to their platform as possible. Furthermore, new bonuses may be offered
…No matter how long it’s been since your teenage years, you can be transported back to the soft memories of your first love when you play Our Days, a new slot that’s sure to be a hit in the online
…While this umpteenth superhero movie follows most of the genre’s rules, it also breaks away from some. It’s light-hearted, charming and filled with humorous moments, with many critics referring to it as Big meets Superman. And understandably so, as it’s
…There was a time when Germany’s national female football team was acknowledged as the best in the world, a time also when Germany and the Worldwidewere the only two front runners for a Women’s World Cup. But those days
…Whether you are playing at a real casino table or enjoying a game of online roulette, there are a number of tactical methods you can employ that will help you to win. Of course, you could rely on sheer luck.
…When’s the last time you got to put on your shiny disco pants and platform shoes and show off all your sweet moves? Your next chance is coming soon—Spin Palace will be hosting the new Village People® Macho Moves online
…Many people would agree that domestic violence between heterosexual couples runs in one direction. The traditional image of domestic abuse has usually been drawn in such a way that the male is the perpetrator of violence and controlling behaviour and
…Video poker is the online equivalent of the hugely popular casino game. Like other gambling games, it relies on some luck to be successful. However, unlike games of pure chance, video poker also requires skill from the player to