Stuck In A Gaming Rut?


So you’ve been doing the rounds of your favourite online casinos, and it’s suddenly struck you; you don’t feel like playing any of the games. Poker has started getting boring, there are no new slot games, and the roulette wheel isn’t looking as appealing as it once did, since that unfortunate losing streak. Let’s face it; you’re stuck in an online casino game rut, and wondering if you’re ever going to climb out again, back into the glorious sunshine of the old days.

Hey, don’t feel down. It happens to everyone from time to time. One minute you’re loving every game available, and can’t get enough, the next you realise you don’t feel like playing anything. So, is it time to give up on casino games, and maybe go take up karate?

Hold your horses, it’s not time to give up on casino games yet, although we also highly recommend taking up karate, regardless. If you find yourself in a gaming rut, it’s probably just time to change your approach. Here are a few suggestions for bringing back the spice to your casino game hobby.

Get Serious

Poker is a fun game, few will deny that, and pretty much everyone can find enjoyment playing it, online or in the real world. What tends to happen, however, is that a person who plays poker frequently will start noticing a very interesting thing; they are not as good at the game as they could be, or, as good as some opponents appear to be.

It’s around about this time that the person must either make a real effort, and get better at poker on a deeper level, or risk always feeling outclassed, and eventually get put off the game.

The trick with poker is that it is a much deeper, and more complicated game, than many first assume. It is a game that has a real science behind it, and a person who doesn’t understand or grasp that science will only ever be messing around on the surface. Want to reignite your passion for poker? Try reading some professional playing tips, and improving to a professional level. You’ll quickly realise poker is game that can take a lifetime to master, and you’re just getting started.

Branch Out

Another way of getting out of your casino game rut is to start trying new games. There are many casino games available, but the average player will generally stick to just a few favourite, well known games. This is all good and well, but how can you know if you don’t enjoy the alternatives if you’ve never tried them?

There are many versions of blackjack, for example, so many so that they can be difficult to keep track. The changes to each version may be small, but tend to put a whole new spin on the game. Tired of standard blackjack? Why not try some of the many interesting variations.

There are also variations of poker and roulette, all unique and exciting in their own way. Do a bit of exploring and see what you can find. In fact, why not try out a new variation of a game every day, until you find one that tickles your fancy? There is hardly a lack of choice out there.

Challenge Yourself

If standard multiplayer poker has started losing it’s charm, maybe its time to step up to the tournament level? Many professional players, after all, started by taking part in online poker tournaments. Many websites offer tournaments, and all you need to do to take part is sign up. Here will likely be an entrance fee, if the tournament has a cash prize, but that’s exactly why tournaments are more exciting than standard multiplayer games.

Many other casino games also have tournaments available, such as slot games. It may not seem like a slot game is good for tournament play, but trust us when we say that slot game tournaments can be a whole heap of fun. Try it out and see if it appeals to your competitive nature.

Get Friends Involved

If all else fails, you can always fall back on the old cliché; everything is more fun with fiends. Maybe you’d like to get into a bit of multiplayer poker with a few buddies, taking up an entire online table for yourselves and going head to head? Sounds like a great idea to us. And don’t worry, there are so many online tables available the casino will hardly mind if your group hogs one.

And if poker isn’t your game, you can have a bit of head to head action on the slots. No, slot games don’t come with built in multiplayer, but simply declaring that the one with the most winnings after a half hour of play is still enjoyable. The great thing about this is that it works for two players, or many, your choice. A simple slot game can be very competitive, if approached from the right angle.

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Stuck In A Gaming Rut? Updated: June 18, 2019 Author: Damon